Disclosure 1. The act or process of revealing or uncovering. 2. Something uncovered; a revelation.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


flying saucer animated My family lived in Amarillo Texas at the time. I was 14 years old. My friend Rhonda (can't remember her last name) and I were going to a birthday slumber party ( the birthday girls name was Vicky Davis and I remember her birthday was around Lincolns or Washington birthday-don't know why I remember that) We put our pj's in our pillows and carried them over our shoulder. The park was on the next block-these were pretty long blocks. Vickie's mother was picking us up at the park. I remember it still being daylight at this time. We were walking down the sidewalk towards the park when we heard a low humming sound behind us. We turned around and there was nothing there. we continued toward the park. I saw an old woman or man ( can't remember which) standing inside their door just sort of frozen looking- I said to Rhonda," Look at that old zombie," and we laughed and continued walking. We heard the low humming sound again. We turned around ( I expected to see a car or something coming down the road,but there was nothing.We walked on just a few steps when there it was again! That low humming sound- I stomped my foot and turned around saying "What is that!" When BAM! it was right there! Above and behind us. I got really excited and started shouting- "It's a UFO! It's a UFO! Do you see it? Now this is where things slowed down-I picked my foot up off the ground to take a step towards it and at the exact same time (I mean exactly like the same thought at the same time like one thing-can't explain it good...) The UFO swooped towards me! I did a backwards lean and said "Whoa!" then things slowed down more(like slow motion) I felt someone yanking on my arm and yelling RUN! I turned my head to see Rhonda's face. She was scared- I mean pee in your pants afraid! I was'nt afraid until I saw her face. We ran on towards the park because we were closer to it than my home where we started.When we were running I would keep looking back and the UFO was pacing us- no slower- no faster- staying exactly with us. We got to the park and got under a tree. I could see it through the limbs. I stepped out from the tree to see it and all of a sudden it was like it got sucked up by a vacuum- Blink and it was gone! Then I felt strange like time was getting normal again. I noticed lights sweeping around and behind me. It was Vicky and her Mom coming around the corner in their car. It seemed strange to me the brightness of the headlights. Well I told them all about it very excitedly. Rhonda didn't want to talk about it, that made me mad. I told everyone about it for weeks and weeks. My friends told me to stop talking about it. My family did not want to here it anymore. My Mom told me I was being silly.Well I never did stop talking about it. As for the description- it was metallic- disc shaped- running lights around it- something was sticking out of the bottom of it. It was about 20 -30 feet across.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I had forgotten that this was so close to Amarillo, where I had my UFO siting,I wonder if they had any reports of UFO's around that time.

Background Information
The U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration Pantex Plant is the nation’s only nuclear weapons assembly and disassemble facility. Located about 17 miles northeast of Amarillo, Texas, the facility is managed and operated by B&W Pantex. Pantex’s missions include assembly and disassemble of nuclear weapons; maintenance, modification and evaluation of nuclear weapons; interim storage of plutonium pits from dismantled nuclear weapons; and fabrication of high explosive components for nuclear weapons. More information about Pantex is available on the web at www.pantex.com.

1 comment:

Pinkpengwens said...

I am trying to obtain a yearbook from the school I went to at the time of my sighting so that I can find out Rhonda's last name.

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